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Overseas examination fee

Overseas exam fee



The option of sitting a resit exam overseas is generally only available to international students who have returned to their home country following the end of teaching. As such this facility will only be available for resit exams timetabled within the June examination week as all other examination periods are within the standard academic teaching year.


Detailed Description

There is a charge of £105.00 for this facility which is payable to Southampton Solent University and will cover our administration costs.

 In addition, please note that you will be personally liable for any charges made by the British Council Office or overseas institution. You should confirm if and when these charges need to be paid as failure to do so may result in you not being able to sit your examinations.

 You will receive an email receipt for the payment made to Southampton Solent University which you should keep as proof of payment.

Once your payment has been received and confirmed arrangements have been made with the British Council or overseas institution, the Assessments Team will contact you, by email, to confirm your examination arrangements.

Further information

Claire Harlow


Zoë Smith


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